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Brave priest
Catholic priest sentenced to 11 years in Belarus prison camp for ‘high treason’
Cardinal Pizzaballa visits Catholic church in Gaza, performs confirmations
Bishop Strickland receives prestigious Bernard N. Nathanson ‘Courageous Witness for Life’ Award
Catholic bishop narrowly escapes death after brutal assault by Sudanese paramilitary group
Monsignor Philip J. Reilly, founder of Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, has passed away
Imprisoned pro-lifer: Monsignor Philip Reilly was a pro-life hero
Italian priest excommunicated, another laicized for declaring Francis isn’t pope
Italian priest Fr. Giorgio Maria Faré argues the invalidity of Francis’ papacy
Father Altman to join the LifeSiteNews novena for President Trump starting tomorrow
Catholic priest in Singapore stabbed in the mouth while offering Mass
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