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Head of Polish Bishops’ Conference: No one ‘of good conscience’ can support pro-abortion or euthanasia laws
The rapid expansion of Canada’s euthanasia regime should be a warning to the world
Irish Medical Council removes language banning ‘deliberate killing’ of patients in new guidelines
Pro-abortion group lobbying Trudeau gov’t to deny grants to employers opposed to euthanasia
The history of Canada’s pro-life movement: Steve Jalsevac’s conversation with Jim Hughes
Canadian pro-life physicians group blasts plan for forced participation in euthanasia, abortion
Canadian psychiatrist sounds alarm over Trudeau gov’t plan to expand euthanasia to the mentally ill
Jalsevac explains LifeSite’s efforts against the evil agendas engulfing the world and the Church
10 ways Justin Trudeau made Canada even worse in 2023
DeSantis is right: America’s Founding Fathers would never have recognized Satanism as a public religion
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