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‘Only in Walz’s Minnesota’: Satanic ‘holiday’ display allowed at state capitol building
Is P. Diddy part of a Satanic Hollywood pedophile ring?
HHS slammed for ‘Happy Pansexual and Panromantic Pride Day!’ post on X
Even with Trump as president, we must remain on guard against the anti-life agenda
Exorcist Father Carlos Martins alleges defamation in article by The Pillar
Archbishop Viganò: Trump’s victory represents the ‘greatest reset’ against the global world order
Archbishop Viganò publishes book telling his side of his excommunication story
Irish Catholics campaign against pagan festival based on ‘Halloween in its most authentic form’
Tucker Carlson shares Archbishop Viganò’s ‘remarkably insightful’ letter endorsing Trump
Eric Trump chastises Harris for demonizing students who shouted ‘Christ is King’ at her rally
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